Watercolours Almâter - Cindy Kaercher

Watercolours Almâter - Cindy Kaercher

Cindy wonders if she can paint with more natural paints. After much research, she began experimenting with making natural paints from minerals ground in mortar. The process was so satisfying that she swapped the bright colours she'd been painting with for an earthy palette made from her own natural pigments!
In 2022, she said to herself... "What if I shared my precious pigments with other enthusiasts who wanted to create while respecting and honouring nature?" And so the seed of Almâter was planted!

Since then, Cindy's partner Alexis has also developed a passion for Almâter. Alexis, Cindy and the various partners they work with ... the Almâter adventure is growing!
Online shop only.
Watercolours Almâter - Cindy Kaercher
67370 Gimbrett
Téléphone: 07 83 68 90 64